Answering the question: What were your favorite dining experiences?

I started this blog back in April, and I've had many people provide support and feedback along the way.  I wrote a post about that early on, and since then, I've received even more encouragement!Recently, a former coworker of mine, who is a super picky eater, told me that he has taken the baby step of allowing barkeeps far and wide to choose his drinks for him, ala this post. A small step toward surrendering dinner plans to his server!I've also had many people ask me about my favorite "She Ordered What?!?" experiences.  I must admit that I haven't had too many lackluster experiences using the "let the server choose my meal for me" method.  I have had some rather spectacular outcomes though!  I've tried dishes I probably would have overlooked otherwise.  Not necessarily because they were "exotic" or "daring", but more so that I would just default to other options.Some of my favorite experiences include:This one which was actually the meal that catapulted me into this blogosphere.  Seriously, the looks on everyone's faces when I turned my order over to the server were classic.  And, the interest when my dish arrived...from a highly invested group of individuals.  This blog wasn't even a thought in my mind at that particular dinner, so I didn't take pictures, and thus, it wasn't amongst the first posts.  The restaurant was fantastic enough to send me pictures of my dinner - even though I wasn't a blip on the food circuit radar!Another favorite? This one!  I recently revisited Tria at The Henry, and met up with Audra again.  We both shared such great memories of that night!  The staff had such fun choosing my every taste that evening,  and I had a wonderful time experiencing food and wine through their recommendations.A third favorite? Right now, I'll say this one: An incredible server really makes the dining experience.  Kelsey was that incredible server! On top of that...the food was amazing! Der Braumeister is a must-stop in Cleveland, OH, IMO.  And, please check out the video of Kelsey at the end...she's got personality and spunk!Special mentions go to:  Zingerman's RoadhouseGood Girls, Crave Lounge, as they all provided fabulous experiences as well.  As did The Mac Shack - not once, but twice!I'm also in love with all of my guest posts.  This is one that created the most intrigue: did they? or didn't they? (have a second date) <-- yes, they did! But, don't forget these posts:  Hom, Fondue, and Bistro 70.I've got some travel coming up next month (thank goodness!), as well as another guest post or two to come.  I'm looking forward to sharing more "She (He) Ordered What?!?" adventures.Cheers!Ker


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