I’m Just Sweet Enough!

I’m Kerri and I bake the goodies you don’t have time to bake! And, they’re just sweet enough to brighten any occasion (even if it’s sneaking a snack behind closed doors! I won’t tell!).

I’ve been baking for a long time, but it really ramped up during the pandemic. It brings me joy to bake for my neighbors in downtown Milwaukee, and I know it brings them joy as well.

The name came about because my friend (and neighbor), Yazan, who is now a U.S. citizen, but hails from Bahrain, mentioned that he really enjoys my baked goods because they’re not quite as “sugary” as typical American treats - they’re “just sweet enough!”

I pride myself in using premium chocolate, a variety of fruits, herbs and spices. I even make some of my own extracts, such as lavender and pecan.

Baking affords me the flexibility I need while taking on breast cancer (diagnosed in summer of 2023). It also keeps my mind busy, and it’s just a way that I really enjoy spending my time!

Did I mention that I bake for my two Golden Retrievers, Rory and McPaddy?