My first food truck rally! A great night out with a food truck addict. Waterford Twp, MI

I have never really indulged in food truck grub before. I had nothing against it, but also didn't have much opportunity to try it. So, when my friend emailed me about a "Food Truck Rally" that was taking place about 45 minutes from my place, I decided I definitely wanted to give it a go. It became a bit of a joke since his wife (my friend and coworker) Jess was to be out of town on business. So, he - the married man, and I - the single woman, were going out - with his wife's blessing. Y'all, I have the best friends!It's been a gorgeous night - 70s and sunny. Perfect for walking around the Elk's Lodge grounds and grubbing on some food truck fare. There weren't as many food trucks as we both expected, but in hindsight, I think that was a blessing. Our bellies were FULL by the time we did a lap!We started off at El Guapo Grill, which I had been made aware of by my friend and coworker, McDuey. I asked the young man at the window to serve me his favorite thing on the menu. I was delivered the "Aloha, Mr. Hand" (side note: Bryan got a kick out of some of the movie-reference names - I missed most of them!). It's a pork belly taco, stuffed with Asian slaw, pineapple salsa, and fresh jalapeno. I thought it was delicious - very flavorful! A great choice. A bit messy because of the sauce in the slaw, but that's to be expected with this type of food. Thankfully, I didn't end up wearing the whole taco!Next, we hit Bryan's favorite local food truck Jacques' Tacos. Bryan knew exactly what he was going to order - the D-Town (braised beef short ribs) and the Little Piggie (slow roasted pork). Again, I asked the woman at the window to choose her favorite two items, and surprise me. She chose the Little Piggie and the Cabo Shrimp tacos. Again, two tasty treats, though I favored the Little Piggie slightly over the Cabo Shrimp. It just had more flavor to it. Regardless, I scarfed them both down, and by now was getting full.Neither one of us wanted to pass up a BBQ truck, so we stopped at Big RBQ's for a bite. Bryan ordered the beef brisket sandwich, and I asked the woman at the window to serve me her favorite of the meat dishes (nothing with too many carbs, because our last stop would take care of that!). She handed me a pulled pork sandwich with cole slaw. I LOVE pulled pork, so she made a wise decision. The sauce was good, but not too much bite or kick to it. While I enjoyed it, the sandwich was just more than I could finish at this point - knowing there was yet another stop along our journey! Leftover pulled pork for me!Finally, we HAD to hit the Mac Shack. Bryan and Jess have been on the hunt for the ultimate mac n cheese for a couple of years now. And, I'm never one to turn down good ol' comfort food!Bryan ordered the "Shack Made Mac" - a fairly traditional mac n cheese. I tried a bite, and it was yummy!I, on the other hand, handed my restaurant card to Lindsay Gearig, wife of Dan, and woman in charge! Dan and Lindsay own the joint. She and Dan conferred and decided to provide me an $8 surprise. Folks, while I really did enjoy all of the food, let me tell you that this was my favorite meal of the night!! Can you guess what this is??Not only was I eating a truly unique, spicy, and flavorful dish, but after chatting a bit with Dan, I was more inspired than ever about this blog. He is clearly a foodie, does the "surprise me" ordering regularly (look for a guest post from him in the future - I'll be hounding him!), and just thought it was a really cool idea. I got great feedback from some others throughout the night too - so energizing!But, back to the best dish of the night!! I was treated to the Mac Shack "Koh San Road" which is mac and cheese topped with peanuts, bean sprouts, green onions, lime, cilantro, and SriRacha sauce. A different spin on Pad Thai, if you will. And, while it did have a kick to it, the dish was amazing! Bryan tried a bite and agreed. It's not something either of us would normally have ordered - because it does sound a bit odd - but I'm really glad that Dan and Lindsay decided to serve the dish up to me. I'm looking forward to having leftovers tomorrow.So, I left my first Food Truck Rally delightfully full and already looking forward to the next one! And, BTW, when I call Bryan a food truck addict, I mean it. The dude knows his stuff - or at least he presents himself as though he does! So much so that he had a couple of people following him (us, but really him) around, and asking what he ordered at every truck. He has food truck groupies, y'all! It was rather comical, but also enjoyable to watch. I know for a fact that he made great recommendations!Now, my question to you... What are the best food trucks you've eaten from? I'm anxious to learn more!


Need your input, readers. Planning a special meal...


Frank and Pauly's, Mentor, OH - In the old Sawyer House building