The Back Story

For several years, I have been an indecisive amateur "foodie".  I've also been a pretty adventurous eater.  Even as a kid, I perplexed folks - I remember "daddy-daughter dates" at the Dry Dock (no longer around, but used to be near Cleveland, OH), when I would suck down dozens of mussels - not your typical kid!This blog came about because I recently realized that people have become fascinated with what they perceive as my sense of crazy adventure.  While I am fairly adventurous, when it comes to food, it's really more about my indecisiveness.  Yet, I think it's a great way to experience food...I love to ask a server, particularly at a restaurant that's new to me, to choose a dish for me.  I have two scallops (not sure if it's a true allergy, but I've had 3 bad reactions), and NO maple syrup (the smell alone makes me instantaneously gag - ask anyone who knows me well!).  And, I always ask the server to surprise me, and not tell me what they're planning to bring me.After years of "giving the standard line", I've developed a quick-reference card for servers and chefs all over - yes, a bit nerdy, but it helps! photo (21)This blog will document the adventures I have in traveling the country (and maybe, the world, again) and allowing experts to choose meals on my behalf.Please trust's a great way to live (and eat through) life!!  I encourage you all to give it a try sometime.- Ker


Grovewood Tavern, Cleveland, OH