Montreal Smoked Meat - Can't Beat Pete's!

Typically when I travel for business, I don't have much time to really enjoy touring the cities I'm in. This trip was no different.On Monday I flew from Milwaukee through Detroit to Montreal, arriving at 1:30AM. I flew out of Montreal through Detroit to Cleveland on Tuesday afternoon. I left Cleveland for Miamisburg on Wednesday afternoon and left Miamisburg to stop in Cincinnati on Thursday before flying out to Milwaukee on Thursday evening. There was not much time to see anything but the inside of airports and rental cars, folks! I was fortunate enough to have a meeting less than five miles from my parents' house, so I did get a chance to say hi to them while staying overnight at "home".MapAt least in Montreal we had time to stop for a local lunch prior to heading back to the airport. My colleague loves Smoke Meat Pete's because of the food, and because of the live blues music they have in the evenings.OutsideSince this was a lunch stop, no live music, but still plenty (I mean plenty!) of good smoked meat! (it was tough to get a photo of the stage because of the sunny glare coming in through the windows, but here it is...)BnadIn case you're not familiar with it, smoked meat is a type of kosher-style deli meat product made by salting and curing beef brisket with spice, either "lean" (my preference) or regular and served as a platter or on a sandwich. I had asked the man behind the counter suggest his favorite menu item for me - whoops! He had "recently decided to become a vegetarian" (an interesting choice for working at a joint known for its meat!), so he couldn't make a personal recommendation. Fail.However, he did recommend the "Pete's Special" which is a smoked meat sandwich with yellow mustard, french fries (frites) and cole slaw (salade de patates - vinegar based). It was a LOT of food, and it wasn't healthy (evenly "lean cut"), but it was a tasty indulgence. (much like a REALLY GOOD corned beef deli sandwich is)Special2The meat was thicker than I thought it would be for "lean cut", but I forgave it because of the flavor! It's also one of those sandwiches that has to be (at least partially) eaten with a fork.And, those fries... so good! Real cut potatoes, perfectly fried to heavenly perfection!As any great joint has, here is the ever-present "neon sign"!Sign2.jpgAnd, for good measure... great press for Smoke Meat Pete's...Lord of the friesI've seen smoked meat spots in the US, but admittedly have not tried it. If you've had smoked meat, in Montreal, or elsewhere, did you enjoy it? How do you think it stacks up to US style deli meat? Please comment below!Cheers!Ker 


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