A 15 day challenge - yes, I'm up for it! I am a writer, after all.
Day one: Declare. It sounds so simple, yet here it is almost 10:00PM on the first day of this challenge and I'm just getting up the courage to do this.I declare that I am a writer.To some folks who have known me for a long time, this may not be a surprising statement. I always did very well in English classes. I was a multi-year spelling bee champ. I've proof-read articles, resumes, and papers for many people over the years. I wrote for an Atlantic Coast Conference sports blog for a while. Now, I have this blog. Originally, it just going to be a fun little project for me, but all of you who have been reading, commenting, guest-posting, and have taken the concept to heart have shown me that I am indeed a writer! Thank you!For those who know me in a different way - as the die-hard Clemson grad, with a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer engineering, who is now an eBusiness professional in Corporate America, it may be a bit of a surprise. Generally, people lean strongly toward being analytical and process-oriented, or they are quite creative (yes, massive stereotyping going on there!).I was recently assessed by a firm that looks at employees, their skill sets, their intellect, and their potential. The consultant who met with me said that I scored extremely highly - because I used both my "engineering mind" and my "strategic and creative side" nearly equally. Apparently that's a rarity in Corporate America. I don't say that with the intent to be boastful; rather to acknowledge to myself that I am indeed capable of being creative and of augmenting process and control with "out of the box thinking" at times. In the way that I'm defining myself as a writer, I'm requiring myself to have a creative side to tap into on a regular basis.Now, having said that, this post is nowhere nearly as creative as the post that pushed me over the edge and out of my comfort zone. You see, I don't want to compromise the integrity of the "She Ordered What?!?", so I was really hesitant to partake in this workshop. Yet, when I read my friend Jerod's post (you may remember him from the epic first date story), I got so caught up in his uber-amusing story that I was completely inspired to take on the challenge.Additionally, a newer friend, Genesis, wrote about what it really means to be a writer. Indeed, "one who writes", sums it up quite nicely, in my opinion. I thought about the post just prior to this one. It was personal, a bit vulnerable, and I felt compelled to share it. Writing can be therapeutic. It can be inspirational. It can also be fun; thus, the challenge!For the next two weeks, writing is also going to be a personal goal, and a mission to improve my skills via the "15 Habits of Great Writers" workshop. I'm sure the lessons will extend long beyond the fifteen days. And, I'm looking forward to becoming a great writer - eventually! (I also vow to make some of the posts less "informational" and more "creative" in nature!)I also promise not to lose the integrity of this blog. If you don't care to read the posts about the #15HabitsWorkshop (as often posted on Twitter), I'll try to make them as minimally invasive as possible. "She Ordered What?!?" is first and foremost to me. It's my lifestyle, folks! :)Cheers!Ker